Yoyvi Express


Buying at Yoyvi Express you have the option to return the products.

At Yoyvi Express you can return products purchased from sellers who work directly with us or from the stores we manage, each seller has the option of enabling the return of a product or not.
When you return a product, you may see different return options depending on the seller.
You always have the option of receiving your money back or receiving a discount coupon for future purchases. Remember that not all products can be returned, visit our returns policy.

How do I return an order?

1. Check that the products or the product is still in the state in which you purchased it.
2. Put the products in a carton or bag and pack it well with tape.
3. On the website, go to My Account , Orders, select the order you want to return and request the return and you will have a response in 24 to 48 hours. In the App, in the right sidebar, in Returns and follow the same procedure.
4. Remember to have read our return policy and make sure that the product you want to return falls under our policy for accepting products to be returned . See return policy.

How and where do I deliver the package?

Once you have accepted your return, proceed as follows.
  • Follow the same steps as when you received the order, if you received the product at the delivery point, you must go to this delivery point with notification that the return has been accepted. And if you received it at your home, the return will be processed there, remember to have the accepted return request with you.
  • The schedule for delivering returns physically (at the collection points) is from Monday to Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. , after that time slot, no returns can be processed.
Returns: Refunds do not include the price of shipping, for all orders from EGMARKET stores or from sellers who work directly with us.
  • For more information visit our refund policies page click here .

Click bellow to start the process

do you want to place your house/ apartment/ room for rent
